춥지 않아?

Aren't you cold?

네? 적당한 것 같은데요

What? No, it's perfectly fine in here.

난 추워서 얼어 죽을 것 같으니까 에어컨 끕시다!

I'm freezing to death. Let's turn the air off!

넵! 건강에도 에어컨 바람은 좋지 않대요.

Will do! YOU KNOW, i HEARD THAT AIR FROM THE A/C is not good for your health, anyway. 

냉방병 등 건강상의 문제를 일으키고 지구 온난화를 초래한다는 건 아시죠?

You get sick when the air's too cold.

Running the A/C also causes global warming. You know that, right?

그럼요! 당장 끌게요.

I sure do! There we go! The A/C's off.


 휴...이제 살겠네.

Now I can live...

어때요? 건강도 지키고 지구 온난화도 방지하고 일석이조죠?

How about that? We stay healthy and prevent global warming. Killing two birds with one stone!



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