팀장님, 4번은 너무 클래식 하지 않아요?

Miss Hong, isn't Number 4 just a little too classic?

난 그래서 좋은데!

That's why I lie it!!

 저도 뭐, 4번도 나쁘지 않은 것 같아요.

I guess Number 4 is no too bad.

너무 직관적이지 않으면서 상상력을 자극하지 않아?

It's just the right amount of intuition, and also triggers a user's iagination.

 그런 것도 같은데요?

Hmm...I can see that.

처음에는 별로라고 생각했는데, 팀장님 말씀을 듣고 보니 괜찮아 보여요.

I didn't like it at first, but Miss Hong has convnced me. It looks good.

 역시 팀장님 안목은 탁월하세요. 이걸로 정하시죠!

You have proven to have excellent insight yet again, Miss Hong. Let's go with Number 4!

좋아요. 그럼 4번을 좀 더 수정하라고 전해 주세요.

Good. It's settled. Tell the designers to procceed with number four.


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