살 빼야 되는데 고기라니...

I have to lose weight and we're having meat?

저처럼 야채만 드세요.

Just eat the vegetables like I do.

 어떻게 보고 안 먹어요.

I can see the meat. How can I not eat it?

그렇게 의지가 약해서 무슨 살을 빼요?

How are you going to lose weihgt with such weak willpower?

 팀장님, 저는 고기 먹을 때가 제일 행복해요!

Miss Hong, I'm so happy when I'm eating meat!

그래! 자긴 살 안 쪘으니까 많이 먹어.

Well, eat up then! Look how skinny you are! Eat as much as you want.

풀만 먹었더니 배고파요.

I only got to eat the veggies. I'm still hungry.

배부르죠?그럼 2차 갑시다.

Has everybody had enough to eat? Let's go have something to drink. 


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